Full Plate Thursday 5-1-14

Full Plate Thursday Where The Greatest Cooks On The Planet Gather

Happy May Day!

I wanted to share a little breath of Spring with you today. This is a little flower garden at the back of our Herb Garden and you can see the Vegetable Garden in the distance, the onions are doing great. Come on back to the garden, we will just have our food tables out here it is so beautiful today. I am so glad that you could come today, we will love to try what you are bringing to share. I am leaving tomorrow for my annual Women's Spiritual Retreat and I am so excited about going. I began hosting the Retreat 21 years ago and it is always great to see old and new friends.

for next weeks features
so don't forget to click on your favorites!

This Is How I Filled My Plate Last Week
Morning Snack
Afternoon Snack
A Special Thanks For Sharing

Readers Favorite

If Your Recipe Is Featured Today Please Take The Red Plate Home

The Code Is On The Side Bar

Background Story For Full Plate Thursday
When we were young and just starting out in life sometimes we did not have a lot of money. Most of our friends were having to stretch the dollars at the end of the month just like us. My girlfriends and I decided that we would pool our food for some of the evening meals right before payday... the last week of the month. I have some of the fondest memories from those days. We would all bring our food together and we had some great food and great fellowship. We would get the food on the table and everything ready, someone would bless the food and then the hostess would say "come fill your plate".
Party Guidelines
Please Link your Recipes or Food Related Post Only
Please include a link back to Full Plate Thursday somewhere on your post.
Please visit with all the others, after all that is part of the fellowship that makes it so much fun, in addition to all the good food of course.
When you link to Full Plate Thursday, you are giving me permission to use a photo or link from your post in a feature post or this blog, on Pinterest, or Face Book and other social media. Every week, I feature many of your recipes on the next Full Plate Thursday, What's For Dinner Next Week, and I pin the entire party to a dedicated page and many of your individual recipes to Pinterest.

Thank You So Much For Sharing Today and Come Back Soon!

I am so sorry that some of you are having problems with the linky tools today.  If you end up with duplicate entries, I will correct them as soon as I can.  They have been notified about the problem and should be working on it.
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. The flowers look so pretty ... it's been so mild over here all winter and I was hoping to plant out a load of veggie seedlings from the green house this weekend but we're now forecast possible snow!! Grr!!

    Thanks so much for the party ... so chuffed to be most clicked, Alice @ Mums Make Lists

  2. I enjoyed your pretty flower garden today, Miz Helen. Thank you for having us over for the party. I hope you have a wonderful time at the Retreat.

  3. Gorgeous flowers! Thanks for hosting, Miz Helen!

  4. Miz Helen, you are the best :-) Thanks for hosting! Your flowers look amazing! Enjoy your weekend away :-)

  5. Thanks for hosting, Miz Helen! Have fun at the retreat! :)

  6. Thanks so much for hosting! I'm adding your feature button to my Tennessee Cornbread Salad post! :)

  7. Miz Helen,
    Your flowers are beautiful. Thanks so much for hosting each week. I shared two salsas for Cinco de Mayo

  8. Miz Helen, your flowers are uplifting - it has been raining here for a week and I needed something bright and pretty to look at. Thanks for hosting! Wishing you a great retreat!

  9. Love the flowers Miz Helen, and have a great time at the retreat! thanks so much for the wonderful weekly party and all your sweet comments~

  10. Happy May Day to you Mix Helen!
    A beautiful round up of such good food! Blessings dear. Catherine xo

  11. Hi Miz Helen, I got a "server error" message while linking up and my one link came up twice, as did the person's before me. I hope you enjoy your retreat and time away with your old and new friends. Thank you for hosting your lovely party. xo

  12. Hi Miz Helen. This week I shared Lemon-Basil White Bean Soup. I love your flower garden. We're having nice weather in the Northwest, so I got more petunias for the garden. Finn tends to pick the wrong things when he's in the garden, so he isn't allowed anymore. Hugs to little Max; he's so cute!

  13. Thanks for the party Miz Helen~ Have a great May Day~ Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

  14. I love the vibrant colors in your garden! Spring is just the best thing ever! Thanks for the party and have a marvelous time on your retreat.

  15. Thanks for hosting! I shared my hummus bites which are great vegan and allergy-friendly appetizers. I also shared my super fresh “can’t wait for summer” gazpacho smoothie—a savory swap out for fruity smoothies.

  16. Thank you for the feature and the party, Miz Helen :-)

  17. Good Morning Miz Helrn and thank you for the party
    Lucky you to have such a great garden :)

  18. Happy May Day, Miz Helen. How exciting to return to see old friends each year and to make new ones - have a wonderful trip!
    Thanks so much for featuring my soup! Always an honour to be featured on your blog. Enjoy your day.

  19. Thanks for hosting, Miz Helen! Have a wonderful week.

  20. Thanks for hosting! I have the same landscape roses! I love their bright pink color.

  21. Miz Helen, I had a problem with my entry and tried again and now it shows twice. Is there a way for you to eliminate the duplicate? I tried, but didn't see an option. So sorry to have created a problem. Thanks for hosting each week and I hope you enjoy your beautiful garden.

  22. Miz Helen Your flowers are beautiful, nice to see a touch of color. We're having a very slow spring here in VT! thanks for hosting and have a wonderful retreat! - Nancy

  23. Another wonderful Thursday filled with great links from your party. Thank you for hosting. We always love to participate.

  24. I am back from the Ranch and sharing some great foodies that I hope you enjoy!
    Hugs and thanks for hosting!!

    PS Have a great time at your Retreat

  25. Love your flowers. Thanks for the link-up. The entries are getting some kind of error, that's why mine is twice. :/

  26. Thank you so much for sharing my chocolate pizzelles! Made me extra happy this morning to come and see your blog!

  27. Wonderful party Miz Helen. Thanks for hosting!

  28. I LOVE the flowers! Thanks for hosting! I hope you have had a chance to stop by our party and share one of your beautiful creations. http://loulougirls.blogspot.com/
    Happy May Day! Lou Lou Girls

  29. Thanks so much for the party, Miz Helen. Hope you are having a fabulous week!

  30. Hi Miz Helen, and happy May to you! You have beautiful flowers growing and I bet it's going to be a fantastic vegetable garden too. Have a beautiful afternoon and thanks for the party with all these wonderful recipes.

  31. Happy May Day to you Too! Thank you for hosting a great party.

  32. Happy May Day and enjoy your retreat:@)

  33. Thanks for hosting, Miz Helen. Your flowers are lovely! We had a nice warm day here in PA. Hoping it lasts! :-) Have a wonderful retreat! Remember all of your bloggy friends in your prayers. :-) Hope, also, that you can come over and link up with "Try a New Recipe Tuesday." Many blessings, Lisa

  34. Love the flowers! I can't wait for ours to really start growing...it's finally warming up enough now. Thanks so much for the party! Blessings, D@TheShadyPorch Have a great weekend!


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Your visit has been very special. I look forward to your comments, they are like opening little gifts. Thank you for stopping by and hurry back!
Miz Helen