Full Plate Thursday 8-18-11

I am so excited that you are able to visit us today at Full Plate Thursday. 

Great surprise for you today is if you leave a comment on this post today The Fairy Hobmother may pay you a visit in the very near future and give you a gift card! I am so excited to be able to share this surprise with all the wonderful cooks who come to Full Plate Thursday every week.We need to get busy now with setting our table and I can't wait to see what you are sharing today. Thank you so much for coming today and hope to see you again real soon!

This Is How I Filled My Plate Last Week
Apple Stuffed French Toast  Kelly at Miller Family Organizer
Morning Snack
Watermelon Lemonade Blended  Emily at Recipes to Nourish
Caprese Salad  Mona Hidden Art of Homemaking
Spicy Sesame Salad  Heather at My Everyday Graces
Refreshing Summer Treats  Laura K. at The Budget Dietitian
Layered Peaches and Cream Pie  Linda at Oklahoma Peach Fuzz
 Afternoon Snack
Oreo Cheesecake Popsicles  Abby at Cats and Casseroles
Marinated London Broil  Sara at Cook with Sara
Rice and Veggie Alfredo Pie   Carol at Easy To Be Gluten Free
Grilled Peaches   Nancy at Real Food Allergy Free
French Macaroons  Shannon at North Dakota Kitchen
If You Helped Me Fill My Plate Today Please Take This Red Plate Home With You
The Code Is On The Side Bar
Full Plate Thursday Background Story

When we were young and just starting out in life sometimes we did not have a lot of money. Most of our friends were having to stretch the dollars at the end of the month just like us. My girlfriends and I decided that we would pool our food for some of the evening meals right before payday... the last week of the month. I have some of the fondest memories from those days. We would all bring our food together and we had some great food and great fellowship. We would get the food on the table and everything ready, someone would bless the food and then the hostess would say "come fill your plate".
I have just a few suggestions before you leave your dish and fill your plate.
  • Link directly to YOUR RECIPE  and not to your web page.  
  • Scroll down to the button that says "click here to enter"
  • You will be asked to give your URL ( which will be your direct link to your post), the name of your recipe, and your email which we will not be able to see.
  • Then you will be asked to select a thumbnail from your post that will be uploaded to your entry.
  • Please include a link back to Full Plate Thursday, somewhere on your post. We will give you a gentle reminder if you forget...
  • Please leave me a comment before you leave the page and let me know that you are here, I want to be a good hostess.
  • Don't forget to visit with all the others, after all that is part of the fellowship that makes it so much fun, in addition to all the good food of course...
  • Grab The Full Plate Button if you like and take it home with you.
  • Now God Bless you and your food and everyone fill your plate!
  • Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. Happy Full Plate Thursday Miz Helen! I'm sharing three decadent recipes this week. Enjoy!

  2. Congrats on your visit from Fairy Hobmother, I;m hoping that she makes her way to my site one of these days.

    Thanks for hosting the hop again, always fun.

    Cook Lisa Cook

  3. Congrats on your visit from the Fairy Hobmother!! You deserve it, Miz Helen. Have fun using your gift card.

  4. HI Miz Helen, I shared my instructions for dehydrated tomatoes and article I hope you enjoy!

  5. How lucky you are on the visit from the Fairy Hobmother!! I've been reading of her visits everywhere! The menu looks great.

  6. I posted a video recipe for oven roasted eggplant, a great summer side dish. You can even freeze roasted eggplant for the winter.

  7. Hello again Miz Helen :) I'm so excited that the Fairy Hobmother visited your site. I see she's been everywhere lately; I'd love for her to stop by blog someday too! Thanks so much for hosting :)

  8. Lucky you to be visited by the Fairy Hobmother! Enjoy your giftcard!

    Look at all of those wonderful recipes featured from last week! Mmmmm! And so many amazing recipes already posted tonight! Can't wait to check them all out!

  9. Hey Miz Helen,

    This week I have Honeydew Granitas, a slushy honeydew dessert. Hope you enjoy. :)

  10. Thanks Miz Helen for featuring my Apple Stuffed French Toast this week, I'm honored! :) This week I've shared my Banana Pudding, have a great week!

  11. Emily @ Recipes to NourishAugust 17, 2011 at 10:46 PM

    Miz Helen, thanks so much for hosting! Thank you so much for featuring my Watermelon Lemonade - Blended recipe, I am honored :) This week I've shared a Creamy Watermelon Ice Cream (w/ dairy-free option). It's so refreshing and yummy! Thanks so much again.

  12. Congratulations, Miz Helen, that is awesome! Excited to check out all these great recipes this week. :)

  13. Wow, your plate was full last week. You can eat...lol. It's very nice of you to feature your participants.

  14. Thank for hosting another week of Full Plate Thursday. I'm sharing my Chocolate Crepe Layer Cake this week.

    How nice you've got a visit from the Fairy Hobmother. I'm closing my eyes now as I type and wishing for an ice cream machine so I can make healthier ice cream for my kids. :)

  15. Thank for hosting and congratulations on your visit.

  16. It's been so long since I last linked up but I'm back now with my Double Cinnamon Sherbet.

  17. Hi Miz Helen,
    I brought our very own Tinolang Manok.I love to be here..as always.Thanks a lot for hosting!

  18. Thanks for hosting the party, and I hope you enjoy my polenta cakes! How fun that you were visited by the Fairy Hobmother. I'm going to squeeze my eyes shut really tight and hope that she visits my blog one day!

  19. Helen, What a fantastic story about full plate Thursday! I am glad I found you. If you like coconut products, I posted a $50 Tropical Traditions gift certificate give away.

    I think I will post my Strawberry Coconut Power Smoothie recipe as well so people know some of the ways to use coconut!

  20. I love all your features! Congrats on the hobfairy, you deserve it!! :-)

  21. Joining in the fun........ will be checking some of the delicious looking dishes.

  22. Enjoy your giftcard! I just linked up my focaccia bread.

  23. Congratulations! You are always a winner to me!
    Thank you for hosting and setting the table for our feast!

  24. Thank you for hosting and congrats on your special gift from the The Fairy Hobmother. :)

  25. Miz Helen..thank you so much for featuring me on your full plate....what a wonderful surprise....your blog is so fun!

  26. That Fairy Hobmother has been very busy! My post yesterday is about him, and any one who leaves a comment is eligible. I already received my money and spent it :)
    Thanks for hosting,

  27. How luck to have been visited by the Fairy Hobmother! Thanks for hosting:)

  28. Thanks for hosting and the chance to win. Love linky parties :)

    Everyday Mom's Meals

  29. In spite of the wonderful array of food here, I hope you'll save room for a little dessert. Since it's peach season here (even northern Ohio has peaches!), I've linked an old favorite of mine -- Peach Pie. This one is made with cornstarch or arrowroot for the thickener.

  30. Some great items you have on your plate again this week! Congrats on your visit from Fairy Hobmother! Thanks for hosting and have a great week :)

  31. Thanks for all your great recipes

  32. Congrats on the winnings!!!

    Thank you for hosting this great hop each week! I've once again linked up a dish! :)

  33. Hooray! Congratulations on your win:) I love amazon.

  34. Miz Helen, I feel so honored to have been featured! Thank you! And thanks for hosting.

  35. Thank you for hosting! Lovely recipes to click on!

  36. Hi Helen, I was having trouble with the linky tools taking and it seems I have double posted my steak marinade - sorry about that! Thanks for hosting. Have a lovely weekend. --S

  37. Happy Full Plate Thursday, Miz Helen! I've linked up my Maple Oatmeal No Bake Cookies this week. How wonderful that you received a visit from the Fairy Hobmother! I know you were excited about that. I have been hoping for a visit myself; but, I haven't received one so far. Maybe my wish will come true someday. Have a beautiful Thursday!

  38. I just had a salad about an hour ago and looking at all these scrumptious recipes, I'm starving! Thanks so much for hosting again ~


  39. Miz Helen, Happy Thursday! Love Full Plate Thursday! Today we've linked our Wee Peach Meringues - enjoy! - Cares

  40. Hi Miz Helen! Not a meal recipe this week but a great accompaniment. Pickled beets are a family favourite. Fingers crossed about the Amazon card. I have some books I can only get at Amazon.com and need the funds :)

    Off to check out the other yummy ideas.

  41. Thanks for hosting!! I am sharing my French Bread this week, Have a great weekend !!!

  42. Thanks for hosting!! I have the same giveaway on my post! Yay for free money! :)

  43. Thanks for hosting, Miz Helen, and congrats on your win! How are you going to spend your "fairy dust?"

  44. It's been awhile --- glad to be back!

  45. My goodness, you have a big party this week! Thanks for hosting, and have a great weekend!

  46. What a great list of recipes! I can't wait to try some of these out. Thanks for hosting!

  47. Hi Miz Helen, I've brought a plate of fish to share for dinner! Hope everyone who tries this will enjoy it!
    Congratulations for winning! Hope the Fairy Hobmother will pay me a visit! Have a lovely weekend!

  48. Thank you for featuring my Rice and Veggie Alfredo Pie! You always have such a great selection in your weekly lineup and I am honored to be part of your list this week! Linking up today with a Pork Roast with Apple Gravy. Thanks again for hosting!

  49. Hi Miz Helen, I made it to your party and am happily sharing some cocktail recipes to help us 'chill out' a bit these dog days of summer. Thanks for hosting another super party, I can't wait to read all of the recipes, and also congrats and thanks for the opportunity to have the Fairy Hobmother visit one of us! Great idea!

  50. Hi Miz Helen! Hope you've had a great week. You know, I read your post about the berries and I thought to myself "did I link up any recipes this week with Miz Helen" and when I checked, I hadn't! Gosh, I've had one of those weeks. Hope they'll be of some use to someone.

    Anne @ Domesblissity xx

  51. Another great Link up! Thanks so much for your lovely party each week! I linked up my Mini Cinnabon Bites.


Post a Comment

Your visit has been very special. I look forward to your comments, they are like opening little gifts. Thank you for stopping by and hurry back!
Miz Helen